The school’s enrolment is limited to 80 students; one grade nine class, one grade ten class and one grade eleven class. Integration between grades is encouraged, and some classes consist of students from all three grades. This promotes a sense of community and tolerance. Our small size means that students and teachers are able to develop comfortable relationships.

The courses offered in the school’s curriculum provide a sound education for our students. This includes all the courses leading to a high school leaving certificate.

Students, parents and teachers are all involved in the democratic governing of the school.

The Community Council (C.C.) forms MIND’s official decision-making body. All members of the MIND community can participate in the C.C. The community council must pass all school policies. There are 12 elected voting members on the community council; six student representatives, three parent representatives and three teachers.

MIND does have an on-site principal; Dorothy Ostrowicz. The head teacher takes care of the day-to-day administrative duties.


MIND is a school where everyone can feel appreciated, and where students, staff and parents feel part of a community.

At MIND High School, each individual is valued for his or her unique contribution and is respected for his or her individuality.